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Shop News

Oct 27, 2007

KLJ in the Webshop

If you are not in San Francisco, you can check out (and purchase) all of Kelly Lynn Jones' work online in our webshop...

Oct 26, 2007

Thank You So Much

It's almost midnight and we are finally home after our opening night party in San Francisco. We want to thank everyon...

Oct 21, 2007

Mark Your Calendars

Don't forget that Thursday is the opening party for Kelly Lynn Jones' show at RDSF, and also our grand opening party...

Oct 17, 2007

Post Expose

Upcoming - a wonderful-sounding poster show coming up in New York...didn't want to ignore the East Coast people!

Oct 16, 2007

Old and New

We got a slew of books in today, including a great one called Play Pen about new children's book illustration, and we...

Oct 15, 2007


October is calendar time. Fall is getting crispy cool (in CA and NY at least) and calendars, planners and journals ar...

Oct 9, 2007


We received new Bentwood moneyclips from Contexture Design in Canada. They are made from offcuts so there is little w...

Oct 8, 2007


OK, I finally talked someone into modeling the Good Society jeans for me. I think that's what business partners are f...

Oct 8, 2007

Indie Boutiques

Certain people will be happy to note that I am finally in the mood to make jewelry again. I stopped over 6 months ago...

Oct 5, 2007

Little Things

I'm sitting in the shop and I must say, there's nothing like a cement truck churning away parked in front to make you...

Oct 3, 2007


I feel like this is much more effective with pictures so here are just a couple glimpses of the Lumi bags (and Mhann ...

Oct 1, 2007

Party Reminder!

Please come congratulate Meg on her latest book Craft Inc., say hi to Lisa and I (don't be shy!), have a drink, win s...