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Picnic by Kristina Micotti

Rare Device is proud to present Picnic by Kristina Micotti

Show Dates: Friday, August 6 through Monday, September 20, 2021
Opening Reception: By appointment only - Friday, August 6, 7-9 pm
About the Gallery Show: 
Picnic is a show that celebrates the act of gathering and the emotions it might bring up after a year of isolation. In this series of new paintings, Kristina uses picnic foods and bold bright colors to invoke a sense of summertime nostalgia.
Everybody loves a picnic. Conversations with friends and family surrounded by a plethora of food, fresh air and warm sun. Picnics were a huge part of my childhood and were always an excuse to gather at the park by my grandparent's house and celebrate as a family. I savor the summer memories of running loose with my cousins, my arm elbow deep in a bag of chips while cracking jokes with my aunts and uncles, a full belly of watermelon and a full heart.

We’ve all been denied the pleasure of gathering over the past year. I never knew how much I took something as a simple hug from a loved one for granted. Over this past year I often found myself dreaming of the carefree childhood summer picnics surrounded by family and without an anxious thought in the world.

Now that our world is slowly opening back up, I am finding that gathering isn’t coming as easy as it used to. I was a mixed bag of emotions seeing friends and family again for the first time in over a year. While I was deeply happy and excited, I was also easily overwhelmed with anxiety and saddened by the thought of a lost year and what could have been. This series of summertime nostalgia paintings represents my mixed bag of emotions from the past year and will always be a reminder to cherish the time we get to spend with those we love.
About the Artist:
Kristina Micotti is an illustrator, designer, and artist from San Jose, California. Her illustrations are playful, bold, and simple. She likes to create anything that makes her laugh.

In addition to her illustration work, she runs a small business where she has a line of illustrated products ranging from stickers to blankets. View more of her work at
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