Slow Bloom by Viviana Matsuda of Mud Witch

Rare Device is proud to present Slow Bloom by Viviana Matsuda of Mud Witch.
Slow Bloom consists of slow works. These hand built pieces are made of repurposed clay and mosaic scraps.
Show Dates: Friday, March 11 to Sunday, April 24, 2022
Artist Reception: Friday, March 11, 2022 6-8pm
Artist Statement:
As a small business owner I walk the line of businessperson and artist. Let’s be real. The way capitalism has trained us to work is unhealthy. Zero boundaries, rise and grind, and go, go, go. Every year we go through the holiday season with this push and pull of work life balance and a pace of work that never feels good enough. Post-holiday, I promised myself a pause period and with a theme of starting off the year slowing down. Slowing down to reflect and recover from the hectic pressure of holiday production. We create byproduct in production pottery that I’m usually too hustling and bustling to deal with. This includes clay that needs to be repurposed and damaged finished pieces. I’m in love with the idea of breaking down byproduct and taking the time to slow down and rework it to bloom into something else. Almost like artistic compost. This is my ode to the slow bloom.
About the Artist:
Viviana Matsuda is a ceramic artist and designer from San Francisco. Their dad was a ceramic artist as well and when he passed Vivi was left with his home studio supplies so they decided to take a class to work through the grief. They became hooked and used ceramics to de-stress as the times became more and more heavy. While learning ceramics they also dove into the body positive movement. Somehow they got squished together and they made curvy, chubby and fluffy pots, vases and mugs. They now run their own production pottery business under the name Mud Witch.