Garden Report
This is our first non-store related blog post. Once in a while, I want to use this space to share some of the things that inspire, excite and interest us. I hope you enjoy them.
At the beginning of the year I promised myself that I would plant a vegetable garden, no matter how small. After a trip to the farmer's market in May where I bought 4 green bean plants, I was off to a good start. I was a bit weary about this because I have no experience with plants. We have a few indoor plants but they are hardy and only require that I pay attention to them every 2 weeks for a quick watering.
I went to my neighborhood garden store where I bought soil and proceeded to ask the person working there every question I can think of. How to plant, where to plant, how often do I water them, when do I fertilize, etc. Well long story short, 2 months later I discovered these beauties! I am going to harvest the biggest one tomorrow. I cannot wait to eat them!