First of all, happy mother's day, to your own personal "maker". And second, if you are anywhere in California next weekend, get thee to the Maker Faire because sadly I will not be able to go! Many people will be sharing their knowledge on how to make just about anything. This is one of the things I miss about the geeky Bay Area. (Also, power tool drag races!)
Thanks to everyone who brought their families by to say hi this weekend. It is a beautiful day here in Brooklyn. I did my visits at Brooklyn Designs, window-shopped Smith St., came home and promptly took a nap. It's that kind of day. I'm off to call my mom now...
Oh - the Coffee for One set is in Every Day with Rachael Ray and we are out of them but more are coming, we promise! You can pre-order in the webshop here. If you are more of the tea-drinking sort, there are plenty of Beehouse teapots and the superdeluxe ones from Tonfisk as well.
1 comment
I wish you were comming out here for Maker.I’ll be selling at the BB part of it.I feel like Iv’e ‘known’ you online for years and years and it would be so great to meet you in person.Since I have a 8 month old I doubt I’ll be getting out there anytime soon!