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What's Your Winter Energy

The days are shorter and there's a crispness to the air! That could only mean that winter is upon us. What's your winter energy like? Are you ready to hit the town attending holiday parties and family get togethers, or are you keeping it low-key this season, with hot cocoa in hand and binge watching all the classics under the covers? Take our quiz to find out and shop some our products that align with your winter style. See (and shop) the categories below!

1. This winter, you are most excited about:
a. Bundling in blankets and relaxing
b. Christmas cookie season - YUM!
c. The company party, complete with open bar

2. If you were a holiday candle scent, you would be:
a. Vetiver root, figs and campfire
b. Vanilla, with a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg
c. Evergreen, cedar, and minty fresh snow

3. Best Winter song:
a. White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
b. Anything from a Charlie Brown Christmas
c. Um, All I Want For Christmas Is You. Duh.

4. When it comes to holiday gifting, you:
a. Find anything handmade to be the most heartwarming
b. Handing out gift cards - best if they get exactly what they want
c. Love the details in the gift wrapping. Presentation is just as important as the actual gift

5. Your go-to Winter article of clothing is:
a. a sturdy winter boot for city trekking AND outdoor hiking
b. a scarf your mom made for you that magically goes with everything
c. a cashmere sweater that lasts the test of time

6. Your dream vacation:
a. Off-the-grid camping in Yosemite
b. Beach resort in the Bahamas
c. City hopping and museum tours in another country

7. Where are we most likely to find you at the ski lodge?
a. In the cabin, fireside with spiked cocoa doing crosswords
b. This ski lodge better have a spa because this dry winter skin needs some pampering. 
c. On the slopes - why go to a ski lodge if you're not taking advantage of the snow?

8. What's your cafe order this holiday season:
a. It's PSL season until January for me!
b. Mint Mochas
c. Depth Charges... make that 2 shots of espresso please, it's gonna be a loooooong winter

9. Your favorite color pallete:
a. Calming tones that are often found in natural world
b. My closet is filled with black, white, and greys... easiest to match!
c. Bold gemstone and bright tropical colors

10. Most of your Sundays are spent:
a. Having the Sunday scaries.
b. Meal planning my lunches for the rest of the week
c. Making the most of my weekend, baby!

If you answered mostly As, you're The Ice Princess: Ever see that movie where the ice princess locks herself in her own palace, and repeats her "Let It Go" mantra to herself? Hey, the holidays aren't for everyone and that's okay. Spend the season focusing on you and your well being. Maybe enjoy a new bath tub tradition, light some scented candles and melt away until the weather gets a bit warmer. 

If you answered As and Bs, you're into the Rocky Mountain Cozies: Let's head up to the cabin and get cozy! A warm fireplace, just enough internet bandwidth to stream your favorite show, and some much deserved arts and crafts time is how you'd like to spend your winter. I don't blame you, sounds like a dream!

Answered mostly Bs, consider yourself The Gatherer: You love a good holiday gathering, and find yourself in the kitchen most of the season. You're all about sitting around a table (preferably yours), and sharing a good meal and a good laugh. Take a look at our collection of cookbooks for some hosting inspo and make sure that you've got all the essentials before the big holiday eve dinners happen.

You were a mixture of Bs and Cs, then you're The Traveler: Whether you're heading home or planning a destination holiday to warmer weather, you're all about packing up and heading out this season. Be sure to bring totes and load up on those cozy socks for traveling. And be sure to bring a local memento to people you're seeing afar!

All Cs? You're The Party Hopper: You want to shine as bright as the star atop the Christmas tree this season. This means seeing and being seen out and about, attending all the parties and celebrating the merriest time of year! Make sure you're wearing something they'll talk about well into the new year. 

Written by Jenn Zipp

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