'The Fine Art of Paper Flowers' Book Launch

A crowd begins to gather at RD Divis
Tiffanie's paper flowers on display
A unique display featuring all of Tiffanie’s flowers from the book was on view in the RD gallery, giving guests a glimpse of the signature flowers they can learn how to create themselves.
Tiffanie with RD owner Giselle Gyalzen and metalsmith Jessica Davies
Tiffanie poses in front of her display with guests
As the night wrapped up, Tiffanie had signed over 50+ books and taken countless photographs!
Tiffanie poses next to her display of paper flowers
Tiffanie is currently prepping for her next solo exhibition of large-scale work at the Eleanor Harwood Gallery at Minnesota Street Project in January 2019. In the meantime, you can find her book, The Fine Art of Paper Flowers, at both Rare Device locations and online.
Photography by Dave Medal.