Link Magic
People often come in the store and ask, where do you find all of your products? The answer is online. Not entirely but largely - I am a very prolific website skimmer, and very good at it. And people with great products link to other great products, etc. This is why I perpetuate this with my very extensive designer list!
I also do check my referer logs and lately there are so many blogs devoted to somebody's favorite products or just cool links. I love this. Just a tiny sample of tonight's link surfing, from some favorite sites like Poppy and Swiss Miss. Some things may turn into products I carry at the shop, others are just fascinating.
Polanoir polaroid gallery
Mapping Religion in America
Abode Livable Art custom photo pillows
Chocpix chocolate photographs
Balloon Lamp
It is Sunday and Easter and some have asked if I am open and the answer is YES! See ya at the store.