Oh, Sully! Author Kevin Gard Comes to Rare Device Noe Valley

Sully, a majestic whale, does not initially recognize his magnificence until he journeys along several species of birds; those with whom he desires to imitate. This whale tale reflects on one of life's basic but sometimes difficult lessons; to be content and accepting of who you are. Seems pretty simple for some, but others can relate to the struggle and challenges they endured just to achieve this little lesson, particularly during childhood. Fall in love with Sully through pictures and words! This book was all hand stitched with vintage and new fabric through a mosaic of quilt style patterning. Author Kevin Gard shares original artwork panels, allowing youth to see how ideas blossom into a finished product. Through his book for book campaign, he donates a copy for every copy sold.
Photo Courtesy Kevin Gard
Join us on January 22, 2015 at 10:30am at Rare Device Noe Valley to hear Kevin read this charming story and get your copy signed. We'll have books for sale at the event, or you can purchase your copy ahead of time at both Rare Device locations or online. See you there!