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Cute Shopper Alert

The forecast said showers but it was a reallly beautiful day in San Francisco at Capsule. There were so many stylish folk around, we didn't know where to begin, so we just focused on color, color, color, starting with Mai of who was in shades of blue and green from head to toe - check out the baby blue shoes!


And here's Jen of Raeburn Ink (whose work we've carried at Rare Device) sporting some of her own handiwork.


Lisa and I had a lovely day and met lots of people at Capsule. Thanks to Miss Natalie for the cookies and the Miette ladies for chocolate caramels.


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1 comment

  • hi rena & lisa! it was great to see you both at capsule yesterday. thanks for making me one of your cute shoppers. i already love my new blue wallet.


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