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We missed having these for that crazy 9 inches of rain day a couple weeks ago, but it's still April showers and Tray6 umbrellas are so cool, finally we have the travel size in the shop. Here is one of the styles we received:

Giant canopy, steel frame, etc etc - I challenge you to give up your series of $3 street vendor umbrellas and grab one of these. Apparently they have been in InStyle lately though I like them for the patterns and the uber-sturdy aspect.
One last link that I meant for you to have yesterday: a little piece by Hobby Princess, I do love her writing.

And if you have read this far, please leave me a little note in the comments, if you would. I would like to know what other things I ought to be carrying. More men's gifts, less clothing, more jewelry, less jewelry, more inexpensive items, more handmade, less inexpensive items, more limited-edition...I have my opinions of course but feedback is always good. And yes, this sort of ties in with the Hobby Princess post, too.

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