This is a bit off-topic, but maybe it's not. I have to think about it some more...
I used to work in the Web industry, and then I stopped and changed directions. Yeah, a lot of people did that, that is not so unique. I still believe in the power of the Web to help my non-Web business (this here boutique) and keep track of what's going on in that world, though, and I still have a ton of friends who are gainfully employed and making breakthroughs to boot. I mean, my friends are on the cover of Newsweek. Egads!
Well, I just read the Newsweek story, and then I popped over to Caterina's blog to read her latest, and then I pondered about why one of my vendors was so startled when I said I didn't feel possessive about carrying their line. It's all mindset is collaborative and so I want my designers to succeed. It's ironic that yes, I am trying to bring rare items to the shop, but I also want others to carry those items. This is part of the merchandising thing that I think about all the time. The value of exclusivity ties in to why people shop and what they shop for, and for whatever reason that doesn't interest me as much as exposing a cool designer to you. I hope that will be a sound business strategy as well so that I can continue to do what I want to do...but we'll see :)
Enough philosophizing, time to clean the house...
thanks for sharing this article, rena. I’m going to forward it to my family and friends from home who, although they use the internet, had never heard of some of these sites. it’s hard for me to believe, since I’m so entrenched in the sharing/ networking culture.
I am long overdue to congratulate you on Rare Device. I have been following your work on for a couple years now and was very excited to see you open a store. I too make jewelry and am a local arts advocate and organizer in Reno, Nevada. I am very appreciative of your blogs about business (I read your retailchick too) and their communal aspect. Thank you for always sharing what you’re up to and interested in!
37signals’ David Heinemeier Hansson argues in response that:
It’s a great time to start a business
somehow, they are both right, and both agree with your strategy.